Saturday, September 22, 2007

Frontier Blues (fuck canada)

I've been sitting in a Mobil gas station in St. Albans Vermont for the past 4 hours waiting on some folks from Montreal to come down here and smuggle me over the border. At least I have a computer and some books and a shred of hope. I know the show tonight is gonna rule, so I really wanna go.
I've been to every country in Europe including Russia and most of the eastern bloc, Israel, Palestine, Peru, Mexico, about to go to Australia, New Zealand,Brazil, and Japan......and fucking Canada is the only Nation on the planet (other than north korea) that won't let me in?? a D.U.I seven years ago, and a little white lie 3 years ago. If I don't get in I get a little mid-tour vacation in scenic detroit.

i'm gonna learn to post pictures when i find out how. i want everyone to see how sad i am right now


zsazsa said...

hey jar, if you wanna post a picture go to the site: and upload it to there.. they give you the code and everything to post here.. make sure you put it in the "edit html" thing where you update. much love.

kingcon said...

I love you Jared don't be sad. Slab City wasn't allowed into freakin Canada, I know how you feel :(


Unknown said...

Come to Brazil man! When you think it's time, get in touch with us through myspace/berlinestudio
Keep rollin!

Unknown said...

< img src="" >

just put the link to the picture in between the "" and thats posting pictures. Missed you in Texas.

-take out the spaces before img and after the "". and if you already knew this then sorry i cant be a bigger help

Anonymous said...

You're coming to Wellington! I'm in Wellington! And then you go to Auckland the day i go to Auckland!! HOLY SWEET MERCY!!!

Best news ever. King Brothers too. I think I might explode.

Anonymous said...

Yah what is with the Canada charges... I feel dishonoured that my country is doing this to you. and to me, depriving me a black lips show! or maybe tour! if this becomes too much of a problem down the road TELL YOUR FANS, this can't go on forever!! We will press those muhfuchkas! They wouldn't let 50 Cent in for a long time, maybe it has to do with your amazingly awesome rep of wild shows. the cops are scared of wild.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I understand you, it happened to me too. I've traveled for a lot of countries to
buy viagra because is part of mi job, and definitely it's Canada,always Canada... But there is not another way, we just have to be tolerance.

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